Name: Mrs. Stinson
Email Address:
Phone number: 277-3351
Gifted and Talented
Welcome to the Gifted and Talented Web Page. Watch this site for activities for students identified for the Gifted and Talented program.
The purpose of the Gifted and Talented (GT) program is to support each child in reaching his/her fullest potential and to meet the unique needs of the gifted child.
The district uses multiple criteria in their identification of students for the GT program which include but are not limited to:
Sages 2
MAPS Assessment
Teacher Checklists
Parent Checklists
Self Checklists
Student Grades
A committee of the GT teacher, the classroom teacher, an administrator, and the counselor reviews the data to determine if a student qualifies for the program
Students identified for the GT Program will have the opportunity to participate in activities outside of the classroom that may include field trips and academic competitions.In addition, the GT teacher will assist the classroom teacher in differentiating the curriculum to meet the needs of the student.
The focus of the program for the 2012-2013 school year will to increase students participation in the Scientific Method through participation in Science Olympiad.