
Photo of Kyle Paulson, Principal of the School

Go Huskies!
Kyle Paulson
Phone: 406-277-3351


Greetings from the Principal's Desk:

Welcome to Belt School, home of the Huskies. Our school has a proud tradition of excellence in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities. Our students and staff are committed to upholding that rich tradition, while also aspiring to reach new goals and achievements. The school staff at Belt School are excited for the 2024-25 school year and are eager to once again provide our students with a caring and positive school climate that cultivates learning. I too, am proud to be a Husky and I am a firm believer that every student should be involved in an activity, club, music program and /or sport to help make their experience in school a positive one and I am dedicated to providing opportunities for all students to get involved.