
Trustee Election

The Belt School Board of Trustees mail-in election closes on May 7th at 8:00pm. Two seats are being contested, with three candidates vying for the positions. District residents are in the process of choosing between the trio of registered candidates. The two receiving the most votes will begin serving on May 14th.  Each term of office is three years.

The three competitors for the seats are Kyle Gillespie, Brock Hansen, and Chad Stroop. Each candidate was presented with a set of questions designed to help the voters make their decision about which direction the school should navigate.

Candidate Name: Kyle Gillespie

No response was received


Candidate Name: Brock Hansen

1-Why are you seeking a position on the Belt Board of Trustees?

I am seeking a position on the Belt Board of Trustees because I feel that being involved in a small community is important and a way to give back to the community that influences our children early in life.   What better way to be involved with the community than to help assist the people and professionals that guide, teach and influence our children during this important time of their lives.  With children of my own growing up and learning in this school district I want to make sure that it maintains its already outstanding tradition of academic and athletic excellence.

2-What is your professional and academic background?

I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from MSU-Billings which I used while I worked in commercial finance for GE Capital.  I am currently a member of the iron workers union with local 491 where I have served in both the operations and maintenance departments with Calumet Montana Refining.

3-How do you feel the Board of Trustees provides a voice for the community?

Gaining and maintaining the trust of the community, especially a small community, is critical to the success and longevity of its school district. The Board of Trustees should actively, with careful consideration, reflect the voices and opinions of the community in order to do this.  It is in fact their children that are learning and growing within our school.  Making sure that the children that are receiving the best education they can get in a safe and healthy environment is the best way to reflect a community in my opinion.

4-If elected, are there any changes you would like to work toward implementing? If so, what are they?

Change is always hard and often expensive.  I don’t have any immediate changes that I would want to see but rather to see the school district maintain its high academic and athletic presence.  Whether that be to make sure the teachers have access to the latest technology and classroom supplies or making sure that the current facilities we have are well taken care of, would be my top priorities.  

5-Please add any other comment that would help local voters in their decision.


Candidate Name: Chad Stroop

1-Why are you seeking a position on the Belt Board of Trustees?

I am seeking to retain my position on the Belt Board of Trustees because I truly love serving my community through this position. I value education and its importance for our youth. I take great pride in our local school and want to continue to advocate for sensible solutions to preserve public education. 

2-What is your professional and academic background?

I am a Commercial Construction Products Advisor, specializing in concrete and asphalt quality control. I am a Belt Native and graduate from the Belt School. I attended college at MSU-Eastern in Billings. 

3-How do you feel the board of Trustees provides a voice for the community?

We are elected to the board to represent the community. The role of a Board of Trustee is multifaceted and important in ensuring effective governance within the school district. I believe it is to have a child centered focus advocating for policies, resources and initiatives that support student success for every child within the school community. Additionally, we are to advocate for our educators and administration that work tirelessly to provide these opportunities. 

4-If elected, are there any changes you would like to work toward implementing? If so, what are they?

I want to continue to ensure our students are provided a broad array of opportunities to be part of learning through many facets. Ensuring we have high involvement in a variety of extra-curricular activities. Lastly, I want to ensure our administration, teachers and staff feel valued and supported in the hard, yet rewarding work they do. 

5-Please add any other comment that would help local voters in their decision.

I have served on the Belt Board of Trustees for 15 years, and have loved supporting our community through this role. I feel I approach adversity and challenges that arise with a level head and always with an attitude of what benefits our students most. Thank you for allowing me to serve and I would appreciate your vote to continue to serve.


The five-member volunteer board is responsible for establishing school policy, setting the district budget, and working with the superintendent to oversee the general operations of the district. The current Board of Trustees includes: Chairman Chad Stroop, Vice-Chair Todd Vogl, Jim Bumgarner, Kyle Gillespie, and Mike Christensen.

It’s often a thankless job, but necessary nonetheless to ensure that the Belt School District provides the young members in the community with a solid educational base for their futures. Thank you for voting and to all who serve.