4th Q Mid-Term Progress Reports will be mailed out next week. If you want real-time updates on grades and/or student progress contact the school and we can walk you through getting the free PowerSchool Mobile app for your personal device.
It was good to visit with our Seniors today about some of the plans we are working on for Graduation. Parents, contact Mrs. Gliko to obtain the notes from our discussion or if you have questions. We should have a more formal plan for Graduation to share in the next couple weeks.
Virtual Spirit Week Prize Winners! Mon-Raily Gliko & Heather Ratliff. Tue-Mrs. Hoffman & Paisley Lindeman. Wed-Kylie Maas & Peterson clan. Thurs- Olivia Moran & Ms. McNally. Fri-Chayse Kirby and Brooklyn Phillips. Your gift is in the mail! Thanks to everyone who participated.
Day 5 of our Virtual Spirit Week
OK Husky Nation it's Friday! Show off your favorite Husky Gear or School Colors. We'll announce the prize winners for the week later today.
Day 4 Virtual Spirit Week
It may be cold, but the sun is coming out, so let's see some photos of our Huskies participating in their favorite outdoor activities!
Please take a peek at the Friday (4/3) & Thursday (4/9) Drop off - Pick up Instructions.
Let Us Know How We Are Doing
We would like to know how we are doing in providing distance learning and breakfast/lunches. I have set up an email account for you to give us feedback on how things are going at home. Mr. Paulson and I will be reviewing your emails and using that information to improve our processes. If you have an instructional or technical question, please email the teacher. This new email is only for feedback on how things are going for you. Please send us your comments at beltfamilyconnection@beltschool.com
Day 3 of our Virtual Spirit Week. Workout Wednesday - Let's see those photos of students or staff exercising or completing a fitness activity!
Day 2 of our Virtual Spirit Week
Good Tuesday Morning ! Today, post a photo of yourself in your home office space or the location where you are doing your school work.
Good Morning Belt Schools! Looking forward to seeing your pictures during our Virtual Spirit Week. Today, post your picture on the school Facebook page of you with your favorite pet(s). Mrs. Patty and I will be drawing names each day for prizes. Good Luck!
Join us next week for Belt School Virtual Spirit Week!
Please contact the school prior to the end of the day Thursday (3/26), if you are unable to drop off or pick up new elementary take home packets this Friday (3/27) from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Free lunches to all Belt School students:
Google Classroom Info for Parents:
Remote delivery of instruction begins on Monday (3/23). MS/HS students need to check their school email and sign into their Google Classroom(s) or Remind groups before Monday!
School lunches are available to any child age 1 to age 18 during the school closure. Belt students may pick up lunches at the school from noon to 12:30 each school day. Students on bus routes may pick up lunch at the bus stop starting Monday. Your bus driver will call you with a more specific time. If you plan to participate in the lunch program, call Patty at 277-3351.
Our initial date for remote delivery of instruction is next Monday (3/23). Elementary students will receive hard copy packets that can be picked up on Wednesday (3/18). MS/HS students will need to begin checking their school email or Google Classroom for directions.
Please come by the school from 8 am to 7 pm on Wednesday (3/18) to pick up school materials & personal belongings.
Wednesday, March 18th, from 8 am - 7 pm, you can pick up your student’s school materials.
By order of Governor Bullock, school is closed from March 16 through March 27